Gather NEW items in quantities listed below. Assemble Crisis Care Kits (CCKs) and seal the Ziploc bags. Include only those items listed below. Deviating from this list can cause an entire shipment to be rejected in customs. Set the CCKs in groups of six (6) to determine the number of banana boxes needed.
- Pack contents below into a clear 2.5-gallon plastic Ziploc bag and seal:
- 1 medium-size bottle of shampoo (12-18 oz.), please tape flip-tops closed using heavy packing tape
- 2 bars of soap (bath-size or larger in original packaging)
- 1 medium toothpaste (4.0-6.4 oz.) Expiry date should be at least 18 months our from the time you pack the kit
- 3 toothbrushes (in original packaging) Please do not use only children’s brushes.
- 1 box of Band-Aids (30 or more)
- 1 fingernail clipper (do not use toenail clippers)
- 1 sturdy hair comb (do not use small flimsy combs)
- 2 hand towels (approximately 15×28 inches, do not use kitchen towels)
- 4 pocket-size packages of facial tissue
- 1 Beanie Baby-size stuffed toy (approximately 6 to 8 inches tall)
- Obtain the banana boxes from your local grocery store. Please ship CCKs solely in banana boxes, as they provide uniformity, eliminating wasted space in shipping.
- Cut the heavy brown paper (usually found in the banana box) in half and place inside the bottom of the box. Tape the other half over the hole in the lid. (Plain cardboard may be used in the same way if your banana boxes are missing the paper.)
- Fill each box with six (6) CCKs—no more, no less.
- Do not insert money or literature (including anything with the church’s name on it, notes, etc.) in the CCKs or banana boxes.
- When addressing the box, please put the name and address of the church (or individual donor) on the box in the “From” section and the address of the warehouse in the “To” section.
- Do not wrap banana boxes in brown paper or contact paper or put filled banana boxes inside another box.
Send the boxes to the following (depending on method of shipping or originating location):
For Shipping via the Postal Service:
Nazarene Relief Shipments
P.O. Box 117
Fawn Grove, PA 17321-0117
For Shipping Other than Postal Service:
Nazarene Relief Shipments
5300 Fawn Grove Road
Pylesville, MD 21132
Send a check—made payable to Global Treasury Services, Church of the Nazarene—in the amount of $12.00 per banana box (for storage and shipping costs during the distribution process). Include the name and address of your church with the check. Ten Percent Credit will be allowed for the $12.00 shipping donation only. Do not put the money in the CCKs or banana boxes.
Mark the check, Crisis Care Kit Shipments 140002 and mail to:
Church of the Nazarene
17001 Prairie Star Pkwy
Lenexa, KS 66220-7900
Attn: Donor Services