NEW items in quantities listed below. Assemble School Pal-Paks (SPPs) and seal the Ziploc bags. Include only those items listed below. Deviating from this list can cause an entire shipment to be rejected in customs. Set the SPPs in groups of ten (10) to determine the number of boxes needed.
- Pack contents below in a clear 1-gallon Ziploc bag and seal:
- 2 composition notebooks (such as Mead brand), no larger than 93⁄4”x 71⁄2”. (No spiral-bound notebooks will be accepted.)
- package of #2 pencils (quantity—10-12 pencils)
- 1 package of black pens (quantity—10-12 pens)
- 2 pink erasers, 2-3” long
- 2 rulers (6” or 12”, with metric measurements)
- 1 package of colored pencils (quantity—12-15)
- 1 pair of blunt-nosed scissors
- 1 hand-held pencil sharpener
These contents will give each student a notebook, 5-6 pencils, 5-6 pens, an eraser, and a ruler. Two students will share the colored pencils, scissors, and sharpener.
- Obtain 12”x12”x12” boxes from any offi ce supply store such as Offi ce Depot, Offi ce Max, Staples, or a UPS store.
- Fill each box with 10 Pal-Paks—no more, no less.
- Do not insert money or literature (including anything with the church’s name on it, notes, etc.) in the Pal-Paks or boxes.
- Using strong packing tape, tape the box securely shut.
- When addressing the box, please put the name and address of the church (or the individual donor) on the box in the “From” section and the address of the warehouse in the “To” section.
- Do not wrap boxes in brown paper or contact paper or put filled boxes inside another box.
- Send the boxes to the following (depending on method of shipping):
For Shipping Via the Postal Service:
Nazarene Relief Shipments
PO Box 117
Fawn Grove, PA 17321-0117
For Shipping Other than Postal Service:
Nazarene Relief Shipments
5300 Fawn Grove Road
Pylesville, MD 21132
Send a check—made payable to Global Treasury Services, Church of the Nazarene—in the amount of $10.00 per box (for storage and shipping costs during the distribution process). Include the name and address of your church with the check. Ten Percent Credit will be allowed for the $10.00 shipping donation only. Do not put the money in the SPPs or boxes.
Mark the check, “School Pal-Paks Shipments 140003” and mail to:
Church of the Nazarene
17001 Prairie Star Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66220-7900
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116